A few decades ago, the average workplace maybe had a computer or two if they were lucky. Now, it’s rare not to have a personal desktop computer or laptop assigned to each member of staff.
Technology now plays such a big role in the workplace and is becoming more and more prominent, changing businesses all across the globe. While it’s impossible to predict the future exactly, we are seeing new trends in the workplace as the result of new technologies:
Combining portable technology such as laptops and tablets with cloud software such as Dropbox, Github and Teamwork, many employees across several industries could technically work anywhere. In fact, many large companies are already encouraging their team to work remotely.
Using communication software such as Skype, employees can now attend meetings, team gatherings and catch-up face-to-face with other colleagues anywhere in the world. While this technology is not strictly new, businesses are still only starting to utilise it to its full potential.
Also known as activity-based working; agile working is a way of approaching your office design based the way your employees work: Instead of setting up your office as a traditional desk/chair affair, agile working essentially creates zones, each one designed for a different purpose (read more).
Workplace technology has not only allowed staff to work remotely, but allowed them freedom of movement within their own workplace. For example: If you’re working on a project at your desk, but find the environment too noisy to concentrate, if your work is saved to a cloud storage or you’re using a laptop or tablet, you could move to a quieter part of the building and either log back into your cloud storage or bring your laptop/tablet and carry on there.
Previously, we were confined to our desks with technology, using clunky desktop computers. Now, we have unprecedented freedom of movement which can ultimately allow us to work to our maximum potential in our ideal environment/zone.
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30+ years ago, it wasn’t uncommon to find stacks of paperwork piled high on desks residing both in and out of the in/out trays, and even today many offices still look like this. With the adoption of technology, more and more businesses are finding themselves going paperless; a more environmentally-friendly (and sanity-friendly!) choice.
Technology gives us the ability to become super organised in our work; with a structured, logical approach to file/folder hierarchy and descriptive naming, businesses can become more organised than ever before with a small investment of time, saving time, space, and stress.
Technology can be a fantastic resource for businesses; allowing freedom of movement both inside and outside of the workplace. Changes in technology are accelerating, and businesses need to learn to adapt accordingly.
Office design can help with this.
Office designs and fit outs are expensive, which is why they need to be as future-proof as possible, ready to adapt to these upcoming technological changes.
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